Killer Eyebrows!
•Posted on May 02 2014

Eyebrows are neglected a lot of the time, and you may even be surprised at the difference it makes when you pay some attention to them!
Difficulty: Easy
Technique Overview: A light hand is a brow friendly hand.
Ensure your eyebrows are plucked and nicely shaped. Is one higher than the other? If so, then filling them in may accentuate this.
With a sharp eyebrow pencil, use light feathery strokes to fill in sparse areas of the natural shape. Start from the outer and work in towards your nose. Don't create your own shape. Go with the natural shape of the brow.
Select a shade or two lighter than your hair. Eyebrow hair, that is.
Ensure you feather, otherwise it will look like you will look like a horror clown!
You can finish off with a brow gel, but it is not absolutely necessary.
Never lean on a clients face. If you must touch their skin with your palm to keep steady, place a tissue between your flesh and theirs. But don't lean on them!